Use "mackerel|mackerels" in a sentence

1. Mackerel, Common mackerel, Boston mackerel, Caballa

2. Caballa translate: mackerel, mackerel

3. You should catch at least two mackerels.

4. The 7 Sesterces Mackerel!

5. Tunas, Mackerels, and Billfishes of the Americas poster, in stunning, life-like color

6. * Avoid shark , swordfish , king mackerel , tilefish .

7. Caballa f (plural Caballas) mackerel; Usage notes

8. 12 Such as tilefish, swordfish, shark, king mackerel.

9. 13 These include shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish .

10. Whitening composition comprising mackerel hydrolysis product as active ingredient

11. We got into some mackerel about three miles out.

12. It is sometimes confused with Japanese Spanish mackerel, S. niphonius.

13. Canned Mackerel in Water • *Note: Today I used 425g can

14. Butterfish is also known as escolar, white tuna or snake mackerel

15. Boobies are carnivorous birds who eat anchovies, mackerel, sardines, and squid

16. Today's menu is seasoned taro, grilled mackerel, and bean paste stew.

17. Bloater (plural Bloaters) A salted, and lightly smoked herring or mackerel

18. It's probably just a school of mackerel or something, all clumped together.

19. Japanese Spanish mackerel is an important species for fisheries in east Asia.

20. Bonito definition, any mackerel-like fish of the genus Sarda, as S

21. It' s probably just a school of mackerel or something, all clumped together

22. What does Bloater mean? A large mackerel or herring, lightly smoked and salted

23. Top choices are salmon , mackerel , herring , lake trout , sardines , anchovies , and tuna .

24. The bonitoes and Albicores are much like our mackerels in colour, shape, and taste, but grow to a very large size

25. Albicore A name applied to several large fishes of the Mackerel family, esp

26. Albacores,ribbon fish,Spanish mackerel! August 07, 2020 by Devin Cage +7 +7

27. Eres ridículo con tu Caballa a siete sestercios.: You are ridiculous with your mackerel for seven sesterces.: No la mates con la Caballa ahumada.: Let's not kill her with a smoked mackerel sandwich.: Su quiché de Caballa es famoso.: Says his Spanish mackerel quiche is world famous.: Podrías quitar la Caballa y comer sólo el pan.: You could always scrape out the mackerel and just eat the bread.

28. 17 The oily fish, like mackerel and herring,[] are not generally very popular.

29. Landward advections of surface waters, and mackerel events, followed alongshore wind stress from the northeast.

30. Among others, whales, seals, Atlantic cod, Atlantic mackerel, squid, and seabirds prey on Capelin

31. 11 Trawler Pots - smoked mackerel fillets, flaked and mandarin orange segments blended with mayonnaise.

32. Bonito, (genus Sarda), tunalike schooling fish of the tuna and mackerel family, Scombridae (order Perciformes)

33. Imports consist mostly of frozen fish (mackerel, herring, sprat, Alaska cod, whiting, sardines and anchovies).

34. Florent's Guide To The Caribbean Reefs Fish, Corals and Creatures - Jacks - Mackerels and Tunas - Porgies - Mojarras - Chubs - Spadefishes - Tarpons - Barracudas - Bonnetmouths - Bonefishes - Needlefishes - Halfbeaks

35. Bonito definition is - any of several scombroid fishes (especially genera Sarda and Euthynnus) intermediate between the smaller mackerels and the larger tunas.

36. Numerous seafood dishes, including grubar, mackerel, shrimp and lobster, can be found in the Bahraini cuisine

37. Whales, seals, cod, squid, mackerel, beluga whales and seabirds all prey on Capelin, in particular during the spawning

38. Collagen can be extracted from fish like cod or mackerel, or derived from the membranes of eggshells

39. 4 Ripples of altocumulus or cirrocumulus clouds—resembling the markings of a king mackerel—give the phenomenon its name.

40. Florent's Guide To The South Florida Reefs Fish, Corals and Creatures - Jacks - Mackerels and Tunas - Porgies - Mojarras - Chubs - Spadefishes - Tarpons - Barracudas - Bonnetmouths - Bonefishes - Needlefishes - Halfbeaks

41. Ribbon fish,false Albacores,Spanish mackerel, moonfish and even a few schools of big red drum around if you’re lucky

42. Pediatricians also caution against types of fish that are high in mercury , such as shark , swordfish , king mackerel , and tilefish .

43. The term mackerel sky is also common to Altocumulus (and cirrocumulus) clouds that display a pattern resembling fish scales.

44. 6 Sure enough, we were soon catching bonito, a fish in the tunny family which resembles a huge mackerel.

45. Great white sharks, like other mackerel sharks, have larger eyes than other shark species in proportion to their body size.

46. The mackerel sharks, a family of pelagic, predacious galeoids distinguished by a heavy body, nearly symmetrical tail, and sharp, Awllike teeth.

47. Although mackerel scad have been found at the surface, they are usually caught at depths between 40 and 200 meters.

48. 15 But a highly purified oil found in salmon, sardines and mackerel can shrink solid tumours and stop the weight loss.

49. In the high seas and oceans 150 thousand tonnes of fish were caught, mainly redfish, mackerel, cod, red plaice , and black halibut.

50. 15 Among the fish to avoid are shark, swordfish, king mackerel and tilefish , all of which may contain high levels of mercury.

51. One of the other things we did was begin to diversify the species that we served -- small silverfish, anchovies, mackerel, sardines were uncommon.

52. The initial ratio of deductions from the mackerel and anchovy quotas would vary annually, but would be maintained over the whole period 2019-2023.

53. Bonito is a popular food fish in the Mediterranean; its flesh is similar to tuna and mackerel, and its size is intermediate between the two

54. The present invention relates to a whitening composition comprising a mackerel subcritical water hydrolysis product as an active ingredient, and to a production method therefor.

55. The combined harvest of fish such as cod, haddock, halibut, herring and mackerel was 150,000 tonnes (165,000 tons) valued at about $130 million in 2006.

56. Anchovies also go well with other fish, so experiment with a piquant salsa verde for sea bass or a parsley, mint and anchovy sauce for mackerel

57. Mackerel scad have 9 spines and 31–36 rays on their dorsal fins, while there are seven spines and 27–30 rays on their anal fins.

58. We sell a huge range of Sea Baits including Wild Ragworm, Squid, Sand Eels, Blueys, Mackerel, Peeler Crabs and Black Lug to name a few.

59. 24 The annual output of the aquatic product reaches 2000 tons including sea cucumber, prawn, clam, sea worm, oyster, conch, crab, Spanish mackerel, jellyfish etc.

60. Since then high Bycatch eventsrelfect a rate at which river herring catch limits will be reached before mid-water trawl Atlantic herring or Atlantic mackerel catch limits

61. Hypsocormus was a fast-swimming predatory fish about 1 metre (3.3 ft) long, with a half moon-shaped caudal fin similar to that of a modern mackerel.

62. Read on and treat yourself to some of the best in Brunch classics, or push the boat out with some more modern staples such as avocado or mackerel.

63. Salmonidae, flat fish, tunas, skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito, herrings, cod, sardines, sardinella, Brisling or sprats, haddock, coalfish, mackerel, dogfish and other sharks, eels, sea bass and hake)

64. 25 The FDA-EPA advisory warns pregnant women not to eat shark, swordfish, king mackerel, or tilefish . These are the fish more likely to have high mercury levels.

65. In January, Bao Ding Seafood of New York issued a recall on their Boiled Horse Mackerel product because of its potential contamination with the clostridium botulinum bacterium that causes Botulism.

66. 25 Chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) is one of the important pelagic fishery resources in the China's coastal waters. It is needed to standardize the catch per unit effort (CPUE) in the stock assessment.

67. 57 raw rainbow Albacore (1 in 2 drop rate) 14 oily blackmouth (1 in 8 drop rate) 41 raw slitherskin mackerel (1 in 3 drop rate) The raw rainbow Albacore can be used for cooking from skill level 50+

68. Fish of the families Scombridae, Clupeidae, Engraulidae, Coryphaenidae, which include the tunas, sardines, mackerel, abalone, etc., are the most implicated in this food poisoning because of their high content of the aminoacid histidine which is considered the precursor of the histamine.

69. For a Boatful of three firsttime fisherwomen, when we headed back to harbour we had a respectable ice box full of mackerel, caught four or five at a time off one line of hooks, plus a smaller cod and a ling.

70. We must also carry out in-depth research to enable us to develop an accurate idea as to the potential of anchovy, mackerel, blue-finned tunny and other fish; in other words, how much fishing effort can be supported by the various species.

71. Eat a lot of fruits , vegetables , starch food material , fibre or roughage like whole meal bread , potato ( do n ' t peel if possible ) pasta or rice , fish , especially oily fish like mackerel , sardines , tuna or pink salmon in your diet .

72. Fish − − − − − − − − − − − Alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) American eel (Anguilla rostrata) Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus harengus) Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) Sea-run trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) Rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) Striped bass (Morone saxatilis) Smooth flounder (Pleuronectes putnami) Winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) White hake (Urophysis tenuis)

73. FAO areas where the mackerel scad is native include the north east and northwest Atlantic, the center east and west Atlantic, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, the South east and west Atlantic, the eastern and western Indian, and the North west, center west, center east and south west Pacific.

74. Atlantic herring and Atlantic mackerel may be retained by vessels fishing with small-mesh bottom trawl gear in the exemption areas, provided vessels comply with all season, area, and gear requirements, possession limits, and are issued a whiting (Category K Open Access Northeast Multispecies) permit or a limited access Northeast multispecies

75. ‘Calamari, cob-fish, and mussel had intermediate concentrations, and sole, Cuttle, frog-fish, scampi, and hen clam had the lowest concentrations.’ ‘But often a cocktail of mackerel strips combined with squid or Cuttle will prove to be the ‘dish of the day’ as far as big ling are concerned.’

76. In October, four Navy and Marine Corps lieutenants, members of the Radiological Safety Section, reported the results of a late-September survey of migratory fish—tuna, jacks, mackerel, and barracuda—caught in the waters off Ailinginae, Rongelap, Rongerik, and Wotho Atolls.7 Sixty such fish were caught, their organs monitored with an X-263 G

77. Travellers avail themselves of the occasion, and many carriages Accompany the procaccio.; Some evil spirit always seemed to Accompany him and induce people to misunderstand his intentions.; He also suffered, says the same writer, the symptoms that Accompany tuberculosis.; Often small fish allied to the mackerel Accompany them, as does also the pilot-fish of the shark.

78. Altocumulus From the Latin altum, ‘height’ and cumulus, ‘heap’, the name of a genus of clouds composed largely of water droplets and consisting of grey-white sheets, or banded layers and rolls, which may also be broken up into cells.Sometimes it has a banded appearance, occasionally giving a mackerel-sky effect; this is probably associated with strong vertical wind shear in middle

79. Long-term plan for the anchovy stock in the Bay of Biscay and the fisheries exploiting that stock - Multiannual plan for the western stock of Atlantic horse mackerel and the fisheries exploiting that stock - Prohibition of highgrading and restrictions on fishing for flounder and turbot in the Baltic Sea, the Belts and the Sound - Use of alien and locally absent species in aquaculture (debate)